Thursday, January 6, 2011

yeah yeah. okay. alright.

probably one of the longest days i've lived hhaha. i don't even know why, i don't even have a reason. it wasn't long in any way or difficult. it was just kinda there. even thought i still have to practice and cook and study tonight. i wore pink today. all pink and my hair fell straight. pink definately fit my mood today. i'm glad i wore it. is that odd that i like to wear colors that fit my mood? makes me feel like a weird elemenatry school teacher or something. i felt extra girly and giggly and cute. took cedric for a walk today. he didn't sniff or potty much, he just trotted by myside. i like him. him and all his wooly golden noodle-hairs. we got to the top of a foothill and the sunset looked like the sky was on fire. right on top of the rusty skyline of LA.

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