Thursday, October 14, 2010


last night i came to a realization that my life is entirely incredible. i was all snugg in my bed reading book of a thousand days. goodness. i'm just really happy with everything. all the time. 24/7. i suppose i could say i love my life. i'm trying to embrace still living at home. as much as i want to get out. i am trying to enjoy the luxury of being under the captain and shmee's roof. anyways, i went swing dancing last thursday at the pasadena masonic lodge. it was absolutely magical. hopefully i can do it again tonight. oh man. you know who i keep thinking of? rothbart from the swan princess. i don't know why. mmm. he's got some serious issues. au' voir. (did i spell that right?)


  1. sox, you're a very sweet girl. sometimes ... often I have felt the same way you do here -- very happy with my life. its very unique that a teenager would feel as you do, though. makes sense. you're one of a kind. love you.

  2. ROTHBART..." don't....don't look at me that way missy!"

    "fiinnnnneee with me!! just FINE with me!!!!!"

    powerful beast indeed
