Wednesday, August 18, 2010


i know that nobody actually reads this but i can't stand it myself. so i'm sorry about my writing errors spelling, grammer, ect. i have a lot of them i just realized this. my fault, i should reread these things before i post them. i love writing, i do it everyday in my notebook and journal and now this. but every english teacher that i have had has told me that i need to improve my writing skills. isn't that odd? well. i'm sorry for all my errors and jumbling of my mind. do you know why i like writing so much? because when i write it is just me. pure me. me and my thoughts. its me talking to my own self. nobody else to comment or insert their opinion, just me. my own dizzy strain of thought... anyway i'm physically exhausted for some reason. i think it may be all the traveling and whatnot. my best friend-sister and i just tried taking naps. but i couldn't do it. don't you hate it when you are on the verge of falling asleep, your entire body is relaxed, your cozy and warm and then BAM you mind bolts out the door, puts on it's running shoes and decides to take a jog around the block and down memory lane. why can't it just come home and take a rest?

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