Monday, August 16, 2010

nickels dimes and the chinese man next door.

i am thrilled, because one-it is my first day of my blog and i am having the greatest adventures! oh man. my cave-rat days of harping and writing. i need to stop rambling, here here! okay so my sister are left home alone to do some cleaning and we got real hungry and so we checked out our spacous pantry for food. and of course there was nothing in it except for chocolate chips and milton's crackers. so we went into our mama's closet and scavenged for nickels and dimes in the change jar. we miraculously raided 14$ and ordered ourselfs a large pizza. a half hour later some punk child in ratty vans came to our door with a pizza he was beeming to see us. and then we told him we were paying in quarters and change and his happiness was drained as if a dementor just kissed him. it was so sad. my poor heart. as if that wasn't good enough i checked the mailbox today and found myself next to my 80 year old neighbor from china next to me checkin his mailbox too. we talked about the trash man and the weather, i got a letter. i'm smiling right now. (my mailbox is my best friend). and as if that wasn't good enough i got the best photoshoot of me and my terribly hideous fish faced creature for a dog. i'll be posting some pictures of it shortly. in all, i had the best first half of my day of my life. did that make any sense? oregon. i want your shakespeare festival. here i come.

1 comment:

  1. JObs, I loved giving the poor pizza guy 14 dallahs and fitty centz in qwaurtas n dimies! it was a great morning until...well, you know. love zee blog. love you!
