Wednesday, December 1, 2010
the music of stillness
it's been a quiet day. i left home at 6:00 a.m. and came home early from school so i could practice harp. i have a very big gig for 500 middleaged people in cocktail dress. i have been non-stop working. my brain feels silky and smooth. i just helped my parents
cook for 40 children. while i was in the kitchen peeling some butternutt squash, i found my dog cedric just like this. and i thought it fitted my day's mood to the perfection. did that make sense?
Monday, November 29, 2010
poppycock and horsefeathers

just an old picture i found here. i finished the picture of dorian gray today. i'm kind of really puzzled and mezmorized at the same time. i don't think i spelt that right. jumping in with a new thought - we finished early in second period today as usual. so i slipt a little book out. and started reading. when the bell rang i picked up my bad and a cricket jumped out! me oh my. this is nonsense. little crickets on campus infesting innocent young girl's bags? this is obscene. this is poppycock. i don't know what i'm going to do. carry bug spray i suppose. oh! and last year there was a mouse in choir. haha. well. i'm rambling. stop.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
le chauve-souris
is it halloween yet? i want leaves. pimkins. candles. sweets. i want to be a lumberjack. i want a beard. i need patienc and gratitude. geez. too many "i"s and "want"s.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
last night i came to a realization that my life is entirely incredible. i was all snugg in my bed reading book of a thousand days. goodness. i'm just really happy with everything. all the time. 24/7. i suppose i could say i love my life. i'm trying to embrace still living at home. as much as i want to get out. i am trying to enjoy the luxury of being under the captain and shmee's roof. anyways, i went swing dancing last thursday at the pasadena masonic lodge. it was absolutely magical. hopefully i can do it again tonight. oh man. you know who i keep thinking of? rothbart from the swan princess. i don't know why. mmm. he's got some serious issues. au' voir. (did i spell that right?)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
heaven's help
clearly school and harp has taken over my life. i'm swamped half the time, and daydreaming the other. when i auditioned for an inbetween instumental solo last week, my heart was in my throat. i was an adrenaline mess. now that i got the spot and perform it tomorrow, i feel quite the opposite i just shrugg my shoulders about it. what the? smokes. my mind works odd.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
advice from a wise man
Last night my parents took my sister and i to see my 84 year old grandfather (who resembles georgle washington yes, it is true). we visited and talked and brought him ice cream and right before we left my mother asked if he had any advice for my sister and i and he said, " don't stay out to late...". after we left i did in fact sstay out late. on my drive way. it's so warm out at night now that it's pleasent. the smog covers the stars, but the moon was too bright and full to be covered by any much pollution. it made me realize that we are just little earth-things about the crust of a spherical rock in the universe. life is miraculous. and short i suppose. carpe diem before you run out of diem.
enjoying the experience of my adventures
sometimes i forget that i am a highschooler. maybe it's because i spend summer with family who is older than i. i feel like i'm 25 in the summer and then i go back to school and remember my age. i walked into school this morning and found nothing but pubey children. it makes me giggle to think about it. however, i'm still happy. i'm still enjoying the experience of it all. the way people are is simply fascinating.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
keys of a piano
when i was at my stay at the lost whale inn on my trip to oregon and back down the coast, i found a piano in the living room. it was a grand piano and was brown, i liked it. it had a nice sound. it had ivory keys too. but on the stand of the piano there was bach's prelude VI and so i tried it. and i loved it! it made me feel so at home and cozy and lovely. i guess being able to make music makes me feel that way, no matter where i am.
Friday, August 20, 2010
redwood forest and a dead seal

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
i know that nobody actually reads this but i can't stand it myself. so i'm sorry about my writing errors spelling, grammer, ect. i have a lot of them i just realized this. my fault, i should reread these things before i post them. i love writing, i do it everyday in my notebook and journal and now this. but every english teacher that i have had has told me that i need to improve my writing skills. isn't that odd? well. i'm sorry for all my errors and jumbling of my mind. do you know why i like writing so much? because when i write it is just me. pure me. me and my thoughts. its me talking to my own self. nobody else to comment or insert their opinion, just me. my own dizzy strain of thought... anyway i'm physically exhausted for some reason. i think it may be all the traveling and whatnot. my best friend-sister and i just tried taking naps. but i couldn't do it. don't you hate it when you are on the verge of falling asleep, your entire body is relaxed, your cozy and warm and then BAM you mind bolts out the door, puts on it's running shoes and decides to take a jog around the block and down memory lane. why can't it just come home and take a rest?
a tea pot. with a leaf.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
cedric and audrey facing the world.
this is my horrendously hideous fish faced dog cedric. i love him. cedric is a big participant in my home life adventures, you may hear a lot about him. he is a strange thing. he looks like the main character from ratatouille and has the personality of eyore from winnie the pooh. yes, he is depressional. you can probably tell from this picture. but as my father the captian would say, "we all have our problems".
Monday, August 16, 2010
other worlds

i'm slightly terrified slightly glowing.
nickels dimes and the chinese man next door.
i am thrilled, because one-it is my first day of my blog and i am having the greatest adventures! oh man. my cave-rat days of harping and writing. i need to stop rambling, here here! okay so my sister are left home alone to do some cleaning and we got real hungry and so we checked out our spacous pantry for food. and of course there was nothing in it except for chocolate chips and milton's crackers. so we went into our mama's closet and scavenged for nickels and dimes in the change jar. we miraculously raided 14$ and ordered ourselfs a large pizza. a half hour later some punk child in ratty vans came to our door with a pizza he was beeming to see us. and then we told him we were paying in quarters and change and his happiness was drained as if a dementor just kissed him. it was so sad. my poor heart. as if that wasn't good enough i checked the mailbox today and found myself next to my 80 year old neighbor from china next to me checkin his mailbox too. we talked about the trash man and the weather, i got a letter. i'm smiling right now. (my mailbox is my best friend). and as if that wasn't good enough i got the best photoshoot of me and my terribly hideous fish faced creature for a dog. i'll be posting some pictures of it shortly. in all, i had the best first half of my day of my life. did that make any sense? oregon. i want your shakespeare festival. here i come.
and so it begins
here i will leave my dream of me actually living 150 years ago. it is sad to part with it. but i will leave it here. here in my sister's bedroom and here it will stay. i
am now excepting that mr.darcy is not real. that he is just a character of a book, such as lord voldemort in harry potter. he doesn't exsist. but i think there may be a man out there that is a little less socially awkward and just as wildly passionate. anywho. here i leave my undieing love for living 150 years ago. when i leave for oregon i won't even think about it. not once. (at least i'll try). goodbye fantasy of long dresses, suitors, and tea.

dear blog,
this is my first post. and i am nervous.
nervous for nothing i suppose since nobody
even knows this exists. practically writing this
to myself. well actually i am writing myself, yeah.
to anybody who sees this. i bid you welcome.
welcome to the dark and dangerous thoughts
of Audrey. i hope you enjoy my lair. of brains.
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